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This E-Book was designed to help you to take a breath, find clarity about what is going to happen to you, and your hair and share the options available to you when it comes to wigs and hair solutions.
✔ Learn from the experts - Find out what I learnt from my research, combined with 27 years spent as a hair dresser, and the insights and feedback gained from the 2000+ wonderful clients I’ve now helped as a result.
✔ Outsmart Your Hair-Loss - Read every single question, worry or second thought that you have about hair-loss. Whether you’ve been diagnosed with cancer, or alopecia or are experiencing hair loss for any reason - this is for you.
✔ Explore your next options - Wig or no wig? Synthetic or natural human hair? To cold cap or not? Are there alternative options? Explore your options with an in depth guide to the best next steps for you.