Expert Wig & Hair-loss Confidence Consultations
The number one worry you will have as someone losing your hair is loss of identity. We understand that identity and control are powerful things, and that for many women, our image and our femininity is wrapped up in our hair. We're here to help guide you, find the right solutions, and help you to feel in control of your journey.

"Women who act upon the news of hair loss quickly, manage to cope better."
Being totally honest, the women who act upon the news of hair loss quickly tend to cope better. As much as we want to bury our heads in the sand over our hair-loss, it doesn't help. In fact it makes it even more distressing when it actually happens and you are not prepared. It’s crucial to know when, why, what and how it will happen.
That's why we created Confidence Consultations. When it does happen you can be prepared to put your plan in action. Be that a full wig, partial wig, a scarf topper or integration system. Don’t worry, we’ll explain all of these options to you personally.
From our experience, once you know your options and have a plan for your hair loss - you will cope better with it when it happens.
Book an appointment with one of our hair boss consultants and take control of your hair loss. Call 0191 232 9432, book online here or email
Take control #hairboss
The number one worry you will have as someone losing your hair is loss of identity. We understand that identity and control are powerful things. For many women, we feel that our image and our femininity is wrapped up in our hair.
Fear over your loss of identity and worrying about not looking like your normal self or not looking how you want to look is hard. It takes its toll mentally on you and it's difficult to accept. We understand that looking anything other than yourself, is extremely difficult to accept. This is probably one of the first feelings you’re likely to experience, following the news you will lose your hair.
The right solution for you
We will help you understand the hair loss process, teach you about available hair loss solutions and ensure you get back to feeling beautiful. It depends on your understanding of your emotions through hair loss, and how quickly you bring the right things into focus at the right time…
Book an appointment today
Book an appointment with one of our hair boss consultants and take control of your hair loss. Call 0191 232 9432, book online here or email