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Please note that some items may incur a 15% handling charge due to Custom and Import changes. This currently applies to all Ellen Wille, Jon Renau and Gisela Mayer pieces which are not in stock.

    Wig Fitting, Styling & Colouring

    Get your new hair fitted, styled and coloured by the experts

    Our stylists are trained to the highest standards in cutting and styling hair - natural or otherwise, and when it comes to colouring, we pride ourselves at being at the top of our game with human hair wig colouring.

    Whether you need help finding a new wig, or you've already found one but need it cutting and styling to meet your needs, our team can help.

    Due to the unpredictable nature of colouring human hair wigs, we can only colour hair we have provided ourselves in-order to be able to trace its origin.