Scarlet's Hair Transformation

Be You
See Your Confidence Soar With The Hair You Were Meant To Have.

Whether It’s For You, or A Lady In Your Life…
Scarlet knew that she wanted to change her gender from the age of 2 years old. Scarlet has always worn feminine clothes and has always wanted to be a girl. She struggled with becoming taller and looking more masculine, when she knew that she was in the wrong body. There was no NHS funding available, so Scarlet has had to go private and this obviously comes with a huge cost. There is also no NHS help for wigs for people who are wanting to change their gender.

Human Hair
Scarlet cannot leave the house, unless she has her wig on and is feeling herself. The new human hair wig from the Wonderful Wig Company was a massive confidence boost. Being able to wear a real wig has changed Scarlet's life. A cheaper non-human hair wig makes Scarlet feel insecure and when she wears her human hair piece she feels herself again.

Personal Wig Service
Scarlet loved the personal service from the wonderful wig company and was made to feel so much more at ease, as the appointments at the WWCo are in private rooms, with hairdressers and fully trained hair loss specialists. She felt that she was in safe hands with the team at the Wonderful Wig Company.

Scarlet’s Top Tips For Going Through A Hair Transition And Getting The Right Hair That Makes You Feel Like You:

DO: Try on your first wigs in a salon!
DON’T: Buy your first wig online.
The wig specialist and hairdresser will advise you what will look good with your skin tone and face shape. Choose the hair that makes you feel confident and not what other people think. Comfort is also another big tip to look for. Scarlet originally thought she would go with a blonde fashion piece, but after trying on all different colours, styles and lengths she settled for a piece that is more natural to Scarlet's own colour and complexion.
Try On Your Wigs In A Salon and Don't Buy Your First Wig Online.
It may be more nerve-racking going out and exploring wigs in person rather than ordering them and trying them on from the comfort of your own home, but the value of an expert opinion cannot be overstated enough. Furthermore, online shopping for wigs can often be deceptive, and the final product you receive can often be quite divorced from what you thought you were buying in terms of its actual quality in-person. It’s not just about the look, it’s about the feel - quite literally - so better to get stuck in there yourself.

Photographs by Lisa McCormick
Wigs To Accentuate Your Femininity.
Whether it’s for you, or a lady in your life. See your best self fully realised with our premium human hair. Watch your confidence soar with the hair you were meant to have. Sometimes you need a helping hand to truly be the way you see yourself - and we are thrilled to provide this for you.
The Wonderful Wig Company offer a wide collection of wigs for everyone, whether your needs be medical, trans, fashion or simply to boost your confidence.

Always Welcome at The Wonderful Wig Company
Transgender and non-binary people are always welcome at The Wonderful Wig Company, and all of our staff have been trained to respect your pronouns and identity, regardless of where you're at in your transition. It is our policy that all customers can use our private salons, regardless of their gender presentation.