8 Old Wig Wife's Tales - 8 Myths About Wigs - That Are Simply Not True!

UK Hair Boss Disproves Common Wig Myths
Hola and welcome,
All the myths about wigs circling the internet come from tittle tattle and old wives tales. Wigs have moved on since the 1950’s, but the myths unfortunately remain. I hear all the time wigs look fake, wigs fall off too easily, wigs are expensive – it’s no wonder wigs get a bald rap.
However, despite all the old wifes tales and tittle tattle, wigs are one of the most natural-looking hair loss solutions on the market. Wigs are also the perfect way for trying out new hairstyles, before making any permanent changes to your biological hair.
These are the 8 most common myths about wigs that I get asked everyday:

1) Everyone Knows I’m Wearing a Wig!
This is simply not true!
Of all the wig old wifes tales out there, this one is probably the most common.
It’s also the least true, however, you must ensure that your new hair fits correctly and you match the right wig with your face shape and skin colour.
When you love your new hair, you will never feel conscious again. Gwyneth and Keira have both experienced hair loss and remained looking glamorous. Both women still love wearing wigs to this day and they never look fake.
Choose the right wig for you and you will look glamorous.
Choosing the Right Wig: Our guide to Face Shape and Eyebrows
Choosing the right wig: skin tone guide
2) I don’t Know how to Style and Care for a wig, it’s Too Hard!
This is simply not true!
Trying anything for the first time, whether it’s executing the perfect home cooked macaroons or putting on a wig, will have its challenges. But that’s okay because messing up is part of the learning process. We would never learn to walk if we worried about falling over and as much as learning something new is daunting, the satisfaction from mastering a new skill is amazing.
The same is true for wig maintenance and styling, you will learn by trial and error or you can employ the expertise of a specialist wig consultant. Check out our wig maintenance section on our website.
With practice, you can become as adept at styling and caring for your wigs as your favorite hair stylist. Just don’t expect to be an expert right away.3) My Head is Too Big/Too Small for a Wig
This is simply not true!
Finding a wig that fits perfectly is the same as finding that perfect dress, you need to know your right size.
When your new dress fits properly it feels comfortable, looks beautiful, and accentuates your natural features. The same is true with wigs.
To figure out your wig size, you need to take specific measurements of your head.
3) My Head is Too Big/Too Small for a Wig
This is simply not true!
Finding a wig that fits perfectly is the same as finding that perfect dress, you need to know your right size.
When your new dress fits properly it feels comfortable, looks beautiful, and accentuates your natural features. The same is true with wigs.

To figure out your wig size, you need to take specific measurements of your head. Check out our video of Nicola showing you how to measure your head. (Link) (We need to add this video to website)
How to put a wig on – video guide
4) Buying a Wig Means You’re Stuck with One Hairstyle forever.
This is simply not true!
This wig old wifes tale isn’t true for three reasons.
Reason #1 With practice your wig maintenance and wig styling will eventually turn you into a wig expert, practice makes perfect! Learning how to style a wig will help you transform your wig into a number of different styles, too. If you’re planning on styling your wig with heating tools, be sure to buy a human hair wig.
Traditional synthetic wigs are NOT heat resistant and will melt if you use hair dryers or other heating tools on them. Even the heat resistant synthetic wigs cannot be styled like human hair wigs and our Hair Boss does not recommend them.
Synthetic wigs are lower cost than human hair wigs, so you find that most women will have a couple of synthetic wigs to keep things fresh.
Choosing the right wig: synthetic vs. human hair –
Reason #2 You aren’t going to be stuck with the same hair forever.
All wigs deteriorate/wear out over time. If you’re wearing your new hair every day, a synthetic wig will wear out in about 9 months (less if its longer) and a human hair wig will wear out within a year. You will need to buy a new wig at least every year, so plenty of opportunities to try something new.
Want to rotate your styles on a more regular basis? Invest in a couple of less expensive synthetic wigs to try out new styles.
How to wash your human hair wig – video guide
How to wash your synthetic wig – video guide
Reason #3 Wigs are designed to be versatile.
Monofilament cap wigs and lace front wigs are created to look incredibly natural and can be styled in a nearly infinite number of ways.
The part of a monofilament cap wig can be modified, and a lace front wig can be pulled back off of your head into a ponytail, because the hairline is so natural looking.
Inside your wig cap – video guide
5) My Wig Will Blow Off in the Wind or Fall Off When I Bend Over

This is simply not true!
Wigs that comedically fall off at the wrong time are always an easy laugh in a lot of movies.
Wigs have been portrayed in movies for cheap laughs, showing us that wigs don’t stay on your head. What you miss is that Hollywood and its stars use wigs in the movies themselves and the movie stars don them on red carpets all the time.
Wigs are flexible, wigs are no hassle, and thanks to the new improvements, wigs are extremely realistic looking. Infact, in most cases they look even more natural than some current styling trends! In showbiz where there is high pressure to look your very best, a lot of celebrities drew their attention to wigs
But here’s the thing, a properly fitted wig should never fall off. As long as you’ve been properly sized, your wig should never fall off. Most wigs even have adjustable straps that can help you size your wig up and down an inch or two.
If you’d like a little extra insurance or you are going somewhere very windy or in a soft top and you want to ensure that your wig will stay where you want it to, try using wig tape or a gel wig headband. If you still have existing hair underneath your wig, you could also use toupee clips and bobby pins to keep your wig in place.
Check out Nicola and Niamh testing out wearing wigs in a soft top. (LINK)
6) Wearing a Wig Everyday Will Stunt Hair Loss & Damage Skin
This is simply not true!
If you’re someone who has experienced hair loss because of chemotherapy treatments, it’s not uncommon to worry about whether or not a wig will inhibit your natural hairs’ regrowth.
Fortunately, that’s just not true.
Hair cells will grow regardless of whether or not you cover them with a wig, scarf, or even a hat. However, we do advise that you get natural sunlight to your scalp and our Hair Boss recommends that when you are alone in the house or garden, take your wig off and get some sunlight on your scalp. Be very careful and use suncream, treat your scalp like you would a newborn n]baby in the sun.
To prevent skin damage, make sure to clean and moisturize your scalp every day. Wearing a wig cap is also a great way to protect the skin underneath your wig.
7) Human Hair Wigs ALWAYS Look Better Than Synthetic Wigs
This is simply not true!

This is another old wifes tale in the wonderful world of wigs. Many women worry that a synthetic wig will look “synthetic.” While that may have been true for the synthetic wigs of the 1950’s, today’s synthetic wigs are much more sophisticated.
If you’re looking for a wig that will look natural, but not cost the earth, then a good-quality synthetic wig is a great choice. It is however important to note that not all synthetic wigs are created equal. Some synthetic wigs can be very poor quality – so beware for anything that’s too ‘cheap’ on the net. If the price looks too good to be true, then it probably is.
Choosing the right wig: synthetic vs. human hair
8) Wigs are Only For Cancer Patients or Older Women
This is simply not true!

Not only are young celebrities wearing wigs these days, but your daughter or granddaughter might even be wearing some kind of faux hair product, without you knowing it. Teenagers and young women in the 21st century wear toppers, extensions, and even weaves for thicker hair with more volume.
If the kids are doing it, then why can’t you?
Start thinking of your new hair as a leaving-the-house-essential and not something to be ashamed of wearing.
At the Wonderful Wig Company we ensure that all our customers find the perfect fitting within your budget and give you the confidence as if you were wearing your biological hair.
Always wear your wig with confidence and a huge smile.